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Writer's pictureAndrea Rundell

So proud of our 2020 WIL Women!

Women in Leadership (WIL) is a flagship program of the YWCA of the University of Illinois, running for nearly a decade. Through this program, young women get invaluable professional experience. They also attend workshops that tackle unique issues women and women-identifying people face in the workplace, such as imposter syndrome, presented by local educator and speaker, Tekita Bankhead.

Like most things, the YWCA WIL program has been affected by COVID-19. To ensure that our students could still wrap up their projects, we arranged to have each team record a virtual presentation. The links to both the recorded presentations and PDFs of the slides are included below in each team description. Check out what these women accomplished!


TEAM 1 Client: FirstFollowers Project: First Followers (organization for people re-entering the community post incarceration) asked this team for a plan to update their resource guide and to ensure that it would be easy and cost-effective to maintain going forward. This team completed both objectives by creating a website of resources (as opposed to a traditional printed document) that is easy to maintain and free to host. Final Presentation Final Presentation Slides


TEAM 2 Client: Sistering CU Project: Sistering CU (organization that provides free at-home help to parents of new children) asked this team to come up with a sustainable method of increasing volunteer engagement. In response, the team developed the idea of creating an on-campus Registered Student Organization (RSO) that could help plan events for volunteers to increase satisfaction and engagement. Final Presentation Final Presentation Slides


TEAM 3 Client: Urbana Arts & Culture Program Project: This team was tasked with expanding the reach of the Urbana Arts & Culture’s programming to college-age students. To address this challenge, the team planned to collaborate directly with student groups and develop a comprehensive campus marketing strategy including updated social media. Final Presentation Final Presentation Slides

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